CREATIVE LEARNING fine arts electives like string orchestra, theater, dance, symphonic and marching band, and studio art are areas where our students thrive. The Academy is home to South Georgia’s premiere student orchestra. Symphonic band, marching band, and chorus are award-winning musical programs for Academy students. City school system students may begin taking strings and band in fourth grade. Students enrolling in theater as a class or in the extra-curricular program compete in One Act Play and produce a musical each year, giving students opportunities in acting, directing, set building, and costuming. The dance elective welcomes beginners to experienced company dancers who receive direct instruction, practice, and participate in choreography. Studio art students work in several media including pencil, watercolor, oil, wood block printing, and pottery. Art competitions and community service oriented groups like ABC Art Club are some of the culminating activities in the visual arts. The Academy boasts nationally recognized Odyssey of the Mind teams, which are organized through the gifted education Creative Thinking class. Students collaborate on teams, independent of teacher intervention, on creative-problem-solving projects and in spontaneous events at competition.
ACADEMIC COMPETITIONS encourage students to become knowledgeable and open-minded communicators by extending their academic learning beyond the classroom. Academy students have been particularly successful in science competitions including Georgia Science and Engineering Fair and Science Olympiad. Social science activities include competition in Mock Trial, Model United Nations, Quiz Bowl, and Georgia Junior Classical League Certamen tournaments. Students have received awards in national essay contests and the Young Georgia Authors writing contest. Literary competition is another way students shine as effective communicators. Preparation for advanced academic competition occurs in the city school system’s elementary schools programs: Quiz Bowl and Super Science Saturday.
BEYOND ACADEMIC GROWTH, Scholars Academy is committed to connecting caring students to the value of and venues for community service. Students annually reflect on their service by documenting hours, with many students exceeding the 20 hour-minimum requirement.