FOR PICK UP TODAY: Students will wait under the canopy by the Annex, alongside the Spanish classrooms. Cars will still line up along Washington St and students can leave the canopy by the curb closest to the Annex building. Please, NO pick-ups in the circle off of Glenwood. This slows the buses down and blocks traffic coming around the corner from Washington.
The Art Club Interest Meeting that was going to be held right after the school tomorrow will be rescheduled as Hurricane Idalia decided to give us the day off school.
This reminder is for FFCLA and HOSA students. Your payment for the Fall Rally is due this Friday. If you are not sure on the amount, please contact your Advisor.
High School Yearbooks are now on sale for $55 until this Friday.
Itβs time to get ready for Homecoming! If you would like to run for the Homecoming Court, please sign up with Ms. Cone or Mrs. Wehner. To qualify, students must not have any office referrals, no more than 5 tardies to school and be passing 3 out of 4 classes. In addition, each student must have a positive referral from at least one teacher. Sign-ups begin today and go through this Friday. We will vote for representatives next week. There will be 2 representatives for each grade and 6 for seniors. Boys, youβll get your chance to run during Hoopcoming! More info on that to follow.
Ms. Pouncey is planning an amazing trip to Spain and would love some company! If you would like to go, please join her for an Interest Meeting next Tuesday, September 5th from 6:00-7:00. A QR code was sent to your student email as well as posted on Facebook for parents to use to RSVP.