
-Just a reminder that we will be calling students that signed up to receive the flu vaccine this morning to go down to the gymnasium. We will begin right after announcements and will hopefully be done by the end of 2nd period. Teachers, if you signed up for the vaccine, we will have someone come to your class while you go down to the gym. 

-High School students that signed up for the PSAT, just a reminder that you will take the test next Tuesday morning here at SA. You will receive an email today with your testing room location. Please be on the lookout for that.  If you have any questions, please come to the front office. 

-The HOSA meeting scheduled for today after school has been moved to Monday immediately after school in Mrs. Peralta’s classroom. 

-The THS Cheerleaders are having a holiday poinsettias fundraiser. Flowers can be purchased from a cheerleader for $10 now until Friday. Deliveries will be made the first week of December. 

-Key Club will meet next Tuesday, October 26th, FBLA will meet next Wednesday, October 27, and the Builder’s Club will meet next Friday, October 29th. These meetings will take place in Mrs. Bennett’s Computer Lab at 3:15. 

-Next week is Red Ribbon Week. There will be a dress up theme each day. Dress code will still apply. Monday will be Camo Day, Tuesday is Team Jersey Day, Wednesday is Boot Day, Thursday is Pink Out, and Friday is Red & Gold Day. These themes will also be posted on the SA website and FB.  

-HS Boys Basketball tryouts will be next Monday, October 25 at 5:30pm in the THS gymnasium. 

-The THS Volleyball team will host the second round of the playoffs Saturday at 11:00.  

-Tickets for tonight’s game at Fitzgerald will be sold in the THS Dog Pen today from 10 AM - 2 PM.  All tickets are $10.  If we sell out or you can't make it by the school, tickets will be sold at the gate as well.