-HS Yearbook Senior Ads are still on sale. New prices as of today are a full page ad for $250, a half page ad is $125. You can order online at Contact Mrs. Strausser via email if you have any questions. 

-If you have lost an item this semester please check the front office. All items will find a new home on Friday.

-There will be an 8th and 9th Grade Science Academy meeting after school today in the Multipurpose Room. If you cannot attend, please stop by Ms. Rinehart’s room to pick up your shirt and get important details for the trip. 

- MS Baseball Tryouts are this week. Today at 3:45 for 6th Grade, tomorrow at 3:45 for 7th Grade and Thursday at 3:45 for 8th Grade. You must have a physical on file with the school nurse to participate. Please contact Coach Kelly McDougald at MPMS Room 140 for more information or see the flier on the cafeteria door.

-There is a Soccer Booster Club Meeting today at 5:30 in the Multi-Purpose Room. If you are interested in playing on our Bulldog Soccer Team this season, please encourage your parents to be there for information.

-The Orchestra has been rehearsing for a special Winter Concert tonight at 6:30 in the Auditorium.  

-Today kicks off the canned food and toiletry drive being run by the National Honor Society and SGA. Please bring all donations to your second period teacher.

-For all Middle School students interested in Track and Field, please attend a short meeting tomorrow at 3:15 in the Auditorium. 

-If you are interested in playing High School Tennis, please plan to attend a meeting in Coach Stewart’s Room tomorrow at 3:15.

-The basketball game this week vs Bainbridge, originally scheduled for Friday, will be played at 6:00 tomorrow at THS. 

-There is a National Honor Society Meeting Thursday, December 9th at 7:00 am in the Auditorium. If you are a member of the NHS, this meeting is REQUIRED! Please be on time!

Our Bulldog Band will be performing during Victorian Christmas this Thursday. Festivities start at 6:30 downtown at Jefferson and Broad. 

-The THS Book Club is sponsoring a book drive through Dec. 17 in connection with the Thomas County Library.  Please donate gently-used books for all ages that you have around the house to Ms. Strausser in her classroom at SA

-Boys Varsity Soccer tryouts will start January 3rd at 1:00 on the track field. You must have a current physical on file to try out. See Coach Peterson or Coach Kimmel for more information.

-Girls JV and Varsity Soccer tryouts will be January 3rd and 4th on the game field from 3:30 to 5 pm. You must have a physical on file with the nurse to participate.

Please remember there is no school this Friday as we will be supporting our Bulldog Football Team as they play at noon that day at Center Parc Stadium in Atlanta.