-Coach Guyton is searching for his next track star! Please make sure you have a physical on file and reach out to him if interested.

-All 2022 Middle School baseball players need to meet in Coach McDougald's room (MPMS #140) today from 3:15 to 3:45.  

-The Family Career and Community Leaders of America are hosting a Christmas Celebration event in the THS Cafeteria today from 4:30-6:30. 

 -Senior Ornament Night is also tonight at 6:00 in the Bulldog Cafe.

 -HS Yearbook Senior Ads are still on sale. Contact Mrs. Strausser via email if you have any questions. 

-The THS Book Club is still collecting gently-used books for all ages. Please donate to Ms. Strausser in her classroom.

 -Boys Varsity Soccer tryouts will start January 3rd at 1:00 on the track field. You must have a current physical on file to try out. See Coach Peterson or Coach Kimmel for more information.

 -Girls JV and Varsity Soccer tryouts will be January 3rd and 4th on the game field from 3:30 to 5 pm. You must have a physical on file with the nurse to participate.

 -The Thomasville City School District is offering the ACT this spring. This assessment will be offered to sophomores, juniors, and seniors at a cost of $44. Please sign up using the link on the Events Page on the SA website. The deadline to sign up is Friday, January 21st, 2021.

 -The PBIS Team would like to congratulate the following students for being chosen as student of the month for October (a little late):

12th grade - Sam Carter, Angelica Claudio

11th grade - Camille Moore, Henry McDonald

10th grade - Brianna June, Cruz Pozo

9th grade - Rigoberto Gonzalez, Rose Lehman

8th grade - Aubrey Edenfield, Cazyah Dyson

7th grade - Caroline sanders, Daniel Mateo

6th grade - Eric Robinson, Lucy Fielding

 And Congratulations to Kelli Fitzgerald and Dr. Sally Hernandez for being chosen as Scholars Academy teachers of the month for the month of October!!

-Holiday Spirit Week finishes tomorrow with Red and Gold Day.