-Today is the last day to claim any lost and found items from the bins by the front office. Everything left behind will find a new home after school.
-Boys Varsity Soccer tryouts will start January 3rd at 1:00 on the track field. You must have a current physical on file to try out. See Coach Peterson or Coach Kimmel for more information.
-Girls JV and Varsity Soccer tryouts will be January 3rd and 4th on the game field from 3:30 to 5 pm. You must have a physical on file with the nurse to participate.
-Thomasville City School District is offering the ACT this spring. This assessment will be offered to sophomores, juniors, and seniors at a cost of $44. Please sign up using the link on the Events Page on the SA website. The deadline to sign up is Friday, January 21st, 2021.
-Congratulations to our Tacky Outfit Winners! Representing the teachers we have Jackie King and the tackiest outfit for students goes to Summer Banks . Please see Ms. Godinez for your prize.