-MS Track & Field: please see your 2022 Teams posted on the doors of the 1st floor or at the Front Office. Best wishes for a great season!

-There is a National Honor Society Meeting tomorrow at 7:15 am. If you are a member of the NHS, this meeting is REQUIRED and please be on time!

Seniors: Senior Ads are only on sale until Sat, so please get yours before it’s too late. Your Senior quotes and baby pictures are due by the end of the month.

High School Yearbooks are currently on sale for $60 until Jan. 28.  The price will increase to $65 on January 29.

-If you haven’t already signed up for the ACT, you have 9 days left to do so. It is available until January 21st. This assessment is offered to Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors at a cost of $44. Please sign up using the link on the Events Page on the SA website. The deadline to sign up is Friday, January 21st, 2022.