We have an awesome correction to yesterdayโ€™s announcement about guests for the Homecoming Dance. You CAN invite a guest to the dance! Please be sure to fill out the form with your guestโ€™s information and return it to be signed by an Administrator in plenty of time before the dance. You CANNOT, however, have someone from another school as an escort for the Pep Rally or on the field. 

Vote for your Homecoming Representative during Dog Time today. Representatives will be announced at the end of the day today. Those who will serve on the THS Homecoming Court will need to meet with Ms. Pilcher at THS right after school in her Art Room. We will vote for the Queen, Miss Bulldog, and Miss Spirit near the end of Homecoming Week. Only the six Seniors will be on this ballot, but all students will vote. Homecoming King sign-ups for Seniors ONLY will start Monday morning. Our โ€˜22-โ€™23 King will be announced at the Pep Rally.  

High School Picture Day is Monday.  Seniors: If you didn't have your formal picture taken for the yearbook this summer, you will have that picture taken Monday as well. Here is a direct link to order pictures. Payments can be made with a debit or credit card.

Powder Puff T-Shirt money is due Monday, Sept 19th. The Powder Puff Games have been moved to Friday. Sept 23rd. 9th vs 10th at 5:00, 11th vs 12th at 6:00 and the Championship Kick-off will be at 7:30. Teachers get in FREE!!  The cost is $5 OR bring a blanket or pack of socks for us to donate to the nursing homes.